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  • Tereza Tvrdíková

MOOC Learning Online Week 10

The last week of my study reviews was concern with the topic of firewals, VPNs orTor browser in the course Introduction to Cyber Security. Now I am quite sure I will finish this course, but probably without these study reviews, because as the course goes on, it is quite hard for me to write something interesting from the content of the course, because here I can not give those information proper background and context it deserves and rather needs to be understand.

This week is actually heavily concerned with configurating your personal firewall, especially while using Linux, which I am not. I would actually like to see more chapters about such security on mobile devices, which are often forgoten besides the fear of public WiFi or scammers and phishers on the social media. I believe most of people do not even consider to set up VPNs or antiviruses on their mobile devices like smartphones.

In the next part of this week we have learned about VPN and how to set up one, but I have already mine set up, so I liked to learned moreabout theoretical and technical side. Of course the VPN is not a fully "safe" solution, it only saves your data on the side of the VPN service you use, so you need to choose a trustwothy one.

The last part of this week's learning was dedicated to Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and the way how it detects anomalies and misuse. The best part of this chapter was study method called Honeypot, which is a method used to lure an attacker into a trap to study their procedures, practises and approaches.

I would like to see how the topics from diferent weeks will connect in the future, because right now there is just a list of separated solution to issues you should look more into and be actively aware of.

I really like this course, but I am sorry that most of the practical things they recommend were already known and set up by me. I enjoyed reading more technical detailes about those topics I have already known from school and I look forward to finishing both my Introduction to Cyber Security course as well as the MOOC course.

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